DB2 z/os display table UT status


  Asked by Anonymous - DB2 z/os display table UT status:
I'm using the display table command on z/os (mainframe) to look at table status and I see soemthing I have not seen before.  It shows the table status as UT.  I dont see anywhere listed that explains what this is.

Anonymous Says:
That most likley means a utilty is running against the table.

Anonymous Says:
Per the manual UT status means:

The database, table space, table space partition, index space, or index space partition is started for utility processing only.

This means if you try to even SQL select against the table, the SQL will fail and you will get an error.

Anonymous Says:
UTUT status means a utility is running against the table, not UT status.

Anonymous Says:
By the way these are the common display table statuses I see most often:

RO - The database, table space, table space partition, index space, or index space partition is started for read-only activity.

RW - The database, table space, table space partition, index space, or index space partition is started for read and write activity.

STOP - The database, table space, table space partition, index space, or index space partition is stopped.

CHKP - The object (a table space, a partition within a table space, or an index) is in the CHECK-pending status.  

COPY - The object (a table space or a partition within a table space) is in the COPY-pending status. An image copy is required for this object.

RECP - The object (a table space, table space partition, index space, index partition, or logical index partition) is in the RECOVER-pending status.

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