Itunesconnect get free app promo code


  Asked by Anonymous - Itunesconnect get free app promo code:
In itunes connect I cant find the promo code section where you generate free promo codes to download free app.  Did they move the location within itunesconnect to elsewhere?

Anonymous Says:
To create your free promo code just sign on to itunesconnect and go into your app, then choose the features section, then you will see the promo code section.  Enter a number for how many you want to generate.

Anonymous Says:
It took me forever to figure out where the promo code was in the PDF document that gets sent via email.  To recover your free promo code you dont need to download the PDF from email and dont waste your time searching through this.  In your itunesconnect just look for the link on the far right that says "view code".  You wont find it in the PDF, its there on your screen!

Anonymous Says:
I was stuck trying to locate the promo code also!
Forget the email delivery sent from itunesconnect account and just look for it on the screen as the poster said.

Anonymous Says:
To enter you app promo code once you have it, its not easy to find either in the app store!

Once you have the promo code open teh appstore on your iphone and go to the today section bottom left, then click your profile picture in upper right.  Then you see the "redeem gift card or code" link to tap.  Thats where you enter the gift code and the free app will then download automatically.

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