How Long Does It Take For Iphone Battery To Drain?


  Asked by Anonymous - How Long Does It Take For Iphone Battery To Drain? :
For example to go from 100% battery to 0% battery, how long does your iphone go before this reaches 0?

Anonymous Says:
Obviously this depends on what you do with it.  Playing games will take alot of power, just sitting idle or occasional texting will last a lon####g time.

Anonymous Says:
I charge my iphone about every 2 days, I just plug it in overnight to charge.  But I dont do alot of games, usually just text some and make a few phone calls, and check some stocks now and then.  Stuff like that.  I charge it when its about 25% or lower.

Anonymous Says:
If you turn off all the extra crap you dont need or use all the time (automatic updates, bluetooth, location services, etc) it will last much longer.  

Anonymous Says:
Background updating and dont turn your screen on max brightness  (turn it just high enough that it looks great but not any higher!)

Anonymous Says:
Background updating and dont turn your screen on max brightness  (turn it just high enough that it looks great but not any higher!)

Anonymous Says:
Background updating and dont turn your screen on max brightness  (turn it just high enough that it looks great but not any higher!)

Anonymous Says:
Sorry for the double posting

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