Should I Put Picato Gel On Top Of Scab?

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  Posted by Guest - Should I Put Picato Gel On Top Of Scab? :
I saw your other page here on people using picato gel, and I am using the picato gel on an AK on my face. I am susposed to use it 3 straight days, however after day 1 its crusted and scabbed over, and I put the picato on top of the scab.  I doubt if this is doing any good since its not even on the skin??

The picato site doesn't say what to do in this case, it just says use 3 straight days.

Guest Says:

I can tell you what I did, I wrote the initial page that you are talking about and I had the same issue you have with it scabbed over and wondering if the gel does any good sitting on top of that.  It says on the directions that after 6 hours you can wipe the area or shower, so I took a shower that next morning, and alot of that crusting gets wet and falls off.  I wouldn't rub it hard or anything like that because mine at least was a little sore, but just getting it wet made alot of that come off and I used a napkin to wipe it very lightly.

Then when I put that picato gel on in day 2 and day 3 there wasnt much of a scab there anymore.  It was kind of dry like but the big crusted area was gone so mine was basically on the skin again.  I did that because just like you I dont think it would have worked putting it on top of a scab.

Guest Says:
How long did it take after day 3 for your scabs and redness to go away?

Guest Says:
Mine went away pretty quickly, like I said the crusting falls off quickly in the next day and alot of the redness quickly disappeared within 2 days of being done.  This was on the face, which I know is a smaller dose then those using it elsewhere on the skin, so I cant speak for others or other areas outside the face, I'm guessing the stronger dose would make it more red but then again who cares if its not on your face anyways.

Guest Says:
I was wondering if I should wash it off or shower it off.  It does say 6 hours later you can take a shower after applying that picato.

Guest Says:
When i used picato on my ear and a spot on forehead, it didnt get rid of the ak. It crusted over and looked like it was gone but a few months down the road it came back so its like it didnt completely get rid of it.  The dermatologist doctor told me this year that he doesnt really prescribe the picato any more, he gave a prescription for tolak (which you want to buy at online pharmacy because its expensive and there is a big price difference).  The problem is tolak you use for 30 days where picato is only a couple days, but tolak works better according to him. It does the same type of thing where the spot scabs and crusts and falls off. It just that it sucks you have to do it for a month.

Guest Says:
Tolak only attacks the cancer cells by the way, the skin around it isnt affected. What is suprising though is often that ak extends out more then you can see, so tolak gets rid of that to but you see the skin get red in spots beyond just what you though was the ak spot.

Guest Says:
I wouldnt put it on top of scab, that wont do anything. Try to shower first that way the scab washes away mostly, then let it air dry for a while. Dont pick at it to tear the scab off or anything like that.

Guest Says:
Trust me on this one, instead of using picato they should be giving you something like Tolak (there are many other types similiar to Tolak but thats the one I used).  Picato I used twice and the AK eventually came back. Tolak you have to use for a month, but its gone after that for sure. Used it 3 places, all 3 are gone and 2 of them were the picato spots I used months earlier where it just came back.

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