How To Send Email As A Text Message?

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  Posted by Guest - How To Send Email As A Text Message? :
I want to send an email that will arrive on an iphone as a text message instead of having it arrive as a regular email. I use verizon if that matters

Guest Says:
I do this all the time but I use AT&T, so you need to check how verizon assigns text messages if they are using Verizon (I think thats what you meant).  For example on AT&T if someone's phone number was 123-456-7890, then you send the email to and it will show up as a text message, not email.

Guest Says:
I tried texting someone directly from my email and couldnt get it to go through, they said the text message never arrived. Is it different with diff carriers?

Guest Says:
yes send through your regular email directly to the phone number for every carrier has different email address for that but its easy

EdE Says:
Have your friend send a text to your e-mail address.  Then you save their address and use it.   USCellular  Verizon Trackfone Straighttalk

When sending to phones make sure you select plain text format and only use the subject line (Blank body)

EdE Says:
another possibility is to use an Instant Messenger client like

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