Appropriate Age For Child To Have Cellphone?

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  Posted by Guest - Appropriate Age For Child To Have Cellphone? :
What do you think the right age is for a kid to own their own iphone?  Is 12 too young?  Look for thoughts on that.

Guest Says:
Here is my opinion on what age they should have their first phone:

First off, if they are younger then 15, then I would get an iphone and use the restrictions already built in on this.  Restrictions means they have no way around it without your password, and they cant install anything either, so you would have to do it for them.  That way you know they are using questionable apps etc.  They cannot wipe or start the iphone over with restrictions either, its very secure, make sure you use a password that has numbers and letters as it can never be guessed by them, dont use simple names like a pets name or kids name as many can guess that.

I would also make it a rule that with any child the phone sits in the living room when they go to bed, and its never locked at home. That way they aren't up all night texting instead of sleeping. They also know you have access to it whether you look at it or not.  If either of these rules aren't followed, then I would just make sure they know this ahead of time and agree to it, and they always know this is optional as they can choose not to have an iphone if they wish.  :)

Once they are 15 or 16 I would let them have it with restrictions off but still not take it to bedroom.

I do think its good to have them learn about technology though, so at a young age thats a good thing.  You can also get an ipad so there is no monthly fee and they can use wifi at home and you can supervise use of it, but that way they can still message friends with imessage and use it at home, but there is no monthly contract you need to pay for.   Thats another option.

Hope this helps!

Guest Says:
Making it a rule that the iphone can never be in the bedroom sounds like a great rule.  That guarantees they wont be up all night on it.

Guest Says:
Most kids today all communicate on iphones, when I was a kid I would have been left out because we had no money :)

Guest Says:
I know people that got their kids iphone as young as 10, I feel like thats too young!

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