Iphone Red Battery And Lightnight Bolt

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  Posted by Guest - Iphone Red Battery And Lightnight Bolt :
My iphone shows only the red battery symbol and lightning bolt.  I was texting on the iphone and it said under 10%, then the battery when completely out and I plugged it into the wall to recharge.  Its been 45 minutes now and still just shows the lightning bolt on the bottom (which means charging) but still just shows the red battery.  Something isn't right  

Jim Says:
I had the exact same thing happen and I unplugged it from the wall outlet and plugged it into the computer and opened up itunes.  It immediately then recognized it and showed the white apple symbol and now looks normal charging.  Do this as I think it just needs to reset or something.

Guest Says:
If that doesn't work then plug into computer for 15-20 minutes with itunes open, and reboot the computer while its connected, thats another option if you continually get the red battery symbol.  Note that if it shows the connected symbol instead of the lightening bolt then that means your chord is bad or something, or you have lint in your plugin as its not connecting.

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