Remove Fake Security Software

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  Posted by Guest - Remove Fake Security Software :
Vista Security cleaner pro has really taken control of my computer.  Is there a simple way to get rid of this without paying?

Guest Says:
Dont pay anything for that, its a scam!  Paying will not do anything other then fund the scammers and you will continue having problems as they put it there.

Guest Says:
Do the following, this will also work on most viruses, not just the vista security cleaner pro virus.

1) First, reboot your computer in safe mode. This just means only basic stuff and drivers will be running on your computer for now, no big deal.  If you dont know how to reboot in safe mode then read the other posts on this site about safe mode, we aren't covering that here.

2) Go to your startup folder on your programs menu, and look for anything unusual and remove that link from startup folder. This should be obvious once you look at it, if nothing is there then thats fine, go to next step.

3) Open your computers system restore.

4) In the system restore window, choose the option that says "choose a different restore point". Select a date where you are SURE you didn't have the vista security cleaner virus. Dont go back to far, no need to, just go back a week or two where you know the virus was not on your computer yet and choose that restore point.

Thats it, now it will reboot and everything will hopefully be back to normal.

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