Iphone Power Button And Home Button Sticking

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  Posted by Guest - Iphone Power Button And Home Button Sticking :
How can the power button and my home button both be having problems on my iphone after only a few months.  That cant be right, they are sticking and buttons feel loose.  Did I get a lemon when I bought this phone?

Guest Says:
I agree, definitley something wrong there. I have never had a problem with my home button or power button and have used iphones for years.
The power button I never even use, I dont understand why anyone else uses that either as you never have to shut off an iphone!  Just set the screen to autolock in the settings too, so when not using it locks the screen automatically.
When night comes around just flip the little switch in the corner that makes the iphone go silent, and you dont have to turn it off.  Iphones do not lose hardly any power because they go dormant and the light goes off, it doesn't have to ever be turned off.

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