How Do I Add Cd Songs To An Iphone?

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  Posted by Guest - How Do I Add Cd Songs To An Iphone? :
I have a large stack of cd's and I really do not want to buy the songs when I already have them.  Is there a way to put these on my iphone from the cd's that I already have?  I need step by step instructions if possbile

Moderator Says:
Windows or Mac?

Guest Says:
Windows 7

Moderator Says:
Here you go:

1 - Place CD in your computers CD/DVD drive. If it starts playing, just click stop, unless you really want to jam.

2 - Open Windows Media Player.

3 - Ok just don't take default settings on windows media player, lets change them.  On top go to Tools, then choose Options, then click Rip Music (tab). In the drop down box be sure to choose MP3.  Also in the quality option, now click the one that says 192 Kbps (or slide the little bar to make it say 192). Trust me on this, just select those options, they are the best trade off in quality, type, etc.  Set it once and you are done.  There is also a folder option you can choose there too, thats where your music files (each an MP3 file) will be saved. You can take the default location or choose your own folder so you know where your music songs will be saved.  Click ok and save your options.

4 -  At the top of windows media player, just click the tab that says Rip.  Now look for the option that says Rip Music.  Just click and each song will become an MP3 file on your windows computer.  :)  It could take several minutes to complete. Finally when done you can do your next CD, and your next CD, all the same.  Go to your folder (the one we mentioned earlier) and you will see all your files there, each one a song from your CD.  You probably want to rename them to the song author and song name so you easily recognize each one.  

5 - You have all your music on your computer now!  Just open itunes and add your songs into itunes and sync to your iphone and you are done.

Guest Says:
i just did this with about a dozen cd's I had from the 1980's.  This was much easier then i expected it to be. Wish i had known this sooner

Guest Says:
To add your music songs to itunes, in the upper left there is a file-add option to select and add all (hold shift or ctrl when choosing songs to do all at once) mp3 songs into your itunes list, then you can just add them to your iphone or ipod.

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