How Do I Copy Videos From Iphone To Computer

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  Posted by Guest - How Do I Copy Videos From Iphone To Computer :
What is the easiest way to get my videos (pictures too but mostly videos) off of my iphone on to my computer?  Also, do I have to do it itunes? Not sure how.

Guest Says:
Do the following, you dont have to do it in itunes, but just need to open itunes.  I assume you are using a Windows computer.

1) Open itunes.
2) Connect Iphone with your chord.
3) Open Windows explorer.
4) Your iphone will appear just like any hard drive.
5) Click on the iphone in windows explorer, click into the folders and highlight and copy all videos.  Then go to your C drive and paste.  It's that simple.  You can also just "cut" them if you want to delete off your Iphone all in one shot.

Note that you have to open itunes just to recognize the phone of that wont show in Windows explorer.

Guest Says:
Thanks, yeah this is a fast way of offloading the videos from the iphone.

Guest Says:
Works, I think alot dont realize you can even do this

Guest Says:
I do the same with copying photos from iphone to computer and it works slick

Guest Says:
How do you put the pictures back in?

Ariel Says:
Does this work with an iphone5? because I cant see any of my pictures or videos

Guest Says:
This worked great except all photos and videos taken in portrait on the iPhone 5 are displayed in landscape on the PC. It would be a pain to have to turn each one manually in the viewer. Is there an easy way to do this.

Guest Says:
Hmmm I've rotated the videos upright before, but I can't remember now how I did it lol  Maybe I just had a couple videos that I did each manually, if alot of them yeah then I cant think of a way to rotate videos in bulk

Guest Says:
be aware that you dont even have to open itunes anymore, you can just click to open explorer only once the iphone is connected

Guest Says:
musy you install iTunes on yr pc for explorer to see yr dcim folder?

Guest Says:
I only ask as I have an iPhone 5 and windows 8 and everytime I connect my phone it suggests my internal storage is empty despite the fact that I know I have photos on the phone

Guest Says:
One thing I dont like is they now changed it to show all the folders, before you used to just see all the videos and pictures on the iphone and could cut and paste the entire list to the computer at once.  Now I have to search through the folders on my iphone, I hate that they changed this.

Guest Says:
You can send suggestions directly to Apple online here

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