Roomba Battery Wont Stay Charged??

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  Posted by Guest - Roomba Battery Wont Stay Charged?? :
How do I fix this?  I've had the roomba for about 6 months and think its great, but the battery life is already extremely short like 15 minutes or so.  Is the battery dead and do I need a new batttery?

Guest Says:
Try these steps to reset, apparently this can happen (assuming your battery is not shot which I don't know).

1) Remove the battery from Roomba.
2) Press power button hold it down for 5 to 10 seconds
3) Put battery back in and charge.
4) Let it charge several days.
5) Now when you run roomba let it go all the way until red and dead.  Repeat this process a few times as it may get the battery power back up.
6) Don't ever unplug it, removing from the charger will destroy the battery.  Irobot even says so.

Guest Says:
Great product but awful battery life!  By the way if you want a new battery dont buy on roomba irobot website! Go to amazone as they are half price there, and since the battery life sucks anyways there is no reason to overpay at irobot site.

Guest Says:
Use the roomba weekly!  If not the battery doesn't hold up well, lots of info on this on eth net

Guest Says:
Please remember to recycle the old batteries, its actually illegal to throw them in the garbage.  Alot of places have drop off points for old batteries and old cellphones, all that lead and other material leaks so please dont throw in the garbage.  Check dropoff points at radioshack, home depot, lowes, batteriesplus, etc... or google it for your area.

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