Lower Stomach Discomfort And Stomach Growling

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  Posted by Guest - Lower Stomach Discomfort And Stomach Growling :
Does anyone know what causes this?

My lower stomach area (below belly button and all over) has been feeling strained for 2 weeks now.  Not really pain in the stomach, just wierd or pulling or strained types feeling that is hard to explain).  I went to the doctor and they did all the pushing to check appendicts, etc., and said nothing hard is felt, no reaction to anything that would indicate a problem).  Did a hernia test too and that was fine, he said he thinks its a strain from working out (which I do workout but I don't remember anything happening.  It's possible a stomach strain occurred and they take a long time to heal, or partial hernia where you have to let it rest, then it can take 3-4 months of rest).   I do have a pull type feeling in my right lat, near my kidney and not sure if thats related but I felt them at the same time and I remember hurting myself there with lat pulldowns when exercising but dont' remember it the night before all this soreness began).

Its just really wierd having stomach growling, lower ab strain or discomfort ... and even laying down at night it bugs you when your stomach sinks down.

Anyone experience this?

Guest Says:
I had a lower ab strain years ago and it was similiar to what is stated above.  I really don't remember if I had stomach noise or growling, but I may have because the lower ab area strained when I lifted weights. It took FOREVER to get better. I can't remember exactly, but I'm sure it was 3 months at least.  Even at that point I started working out slowly

Guest Says:
I just got back from a sports medicine doctor, he tested me with some ab exercises and pressed all around on my abdomen. I had strained abdomen up both sides of my belly button, and all across my lower ab along the belt line side to side.  He basically asked and checked the following things:

Diet still the same?
Bathroom still the same? No color changes?
Pressed all over the stomach areas and lower stomach, and there was no pain.
Hernia cough check.
Ab exercises really showed no pain. Discomfort yes, but not sharp pain.

His conclusion was definitely no hernia or partial hernia in any way. He thought it was muscle related strain, he said even thought its been 3 to 4 weeks, most muscle injuries can take up to 3 weeks, and the abdominals are much bigger and thicker and run all across the abs area.  He said that can take alot longer to heal.  He thought it might even be healed at this time but will remain sore for another week at least.

Guest Says:
So far I've had stomach strained for 11 weeks. Its not as bad as it was the first 4 or 5 weeks but its also not gone. It runs right down the middle around the belly button area and out on the sides from the ribs down. Doc said it was a strained abdomen but why won't it heal then?

Guest Says:
Stomach strains take a long time to heal especially since you keep re tweaking it along the way

Guest Says:
I"ve had this in the past and I now think it was related to taking statins. At the time I was taking crestor, I didnt realize it was related but I had alot of other muscle injuries and finally realized it was the statin causing it and also taking a long time to heal because of it.  Once I stopped taking the statin all my injuries healed.

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