Cobol Preceding Item At This Level Has Zero Length

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  Posted by Guest - Cobol Preceding Item At This Level Has Zero Length :
Compiler compiling error  "Preceding item at this level has zero length".  What is causing the following error message to display?

Joe Says:
This often happens when you put a copybook into working storage, but have an 01 level with the copybook underneath.  If the copybook begins with an 01 level, that means you have 2 01 levels on top of each other with a zero length, giving you the "Preceding item at this level has zero length" error.

Guest Says:
Thanks thats exactly what the error was. I changed the copybook to have an 01 level in it, and previously working storage needed the 01 level first, I was wondering why my cobol program suddenly wouldnt compile because I felt like I didnt change anything in the cobol code.

Guest Says:
Same error that I had and this fixed it. It had the extra 01 cobol copybook level.

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