Canon Printer Service Error 5c00 - Help!

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  Posted by Guest - Canon Printer Service Error 5c00 - Help! :
I'm getting an error when I attempt to print.  It says "Canon service error 5C00".  I have no idea what that means but the light flashes orange on the printer and nothing will print, it just gives the service error message and says 5C00.  It's a canon inkjet printer.  Any ideas?

Guest Says:
I did some research and 5C00 means a printer head issue.  Printers are so cheap today its just as easy to buy a new one rather then spend money to service it, but open the top, turn it on and see if there is any paper debris or paper pieces or dust or anything that needs cleaning down near the printer head where it writes.  If you clean this or clean out that area that is probably the problem.

Guest Says:
I had this same 5C00 error and here is what I did.  After researching on Google, I decided to look and see whats causing this.  I print a ton of stuff so it wouldn't surprise me if something wore out on it as I have wore out printers in the past.  Anyways I let the printer device move back and forth as if I'm replacing the ink carts.  I popped the ink carts out and put them back in, just to make sure everything was in place.  I then closed the lid and let the device move back into position.  I then printed and it worked fine.  I'm guessing just something was stuck or small paper parts were blocking something, so just getting the printer moving again seemed to fix it. Hope this helps

Guest Says:
I have a canon pixma ip90v and the have an error code 5c00
the green light flashers 4 time and the orange 4 times I clean the cartridge and the printer header but to no avail can any one help Thank you

Guest Says:
I have a canon pixma ip90v and I have an error code 5c00
the green light flashers 4 time and the orange 4 times I clean the cartridge and the printer header but to no avail can any one help Thank you

Guest Says:
how can i fix error 5c00 9n my canon TR150 please help

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