Suspected Billing Fraud

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  Posted by Nan - Suspected Billing Fraud :
I received a notice in the mail that I owed $ on my AOL account, sent from PO Box 60018, Tampa, FL 33660-0018, contact number 1-866-859-0176.  I called the number.  Was told I owed for 3 months ($103.60) to reinstate my account.  Bill included a tear off for credit card payment.  They also gave me an account number and a screen name (not mine) of  They had my phone number. I gave them my mailing address but no credit card info or screen name.  How do I know if I have compromised any personal information?  How do I report this?  I also received a notice several months ago that I needed to upgrade my credit card info (which I did not do) also by US mail.  Thanks for you help.

Guest Says:
Are you using AOL dialup?  AOL is free so I'm curious what you would owe, unless you are using dialup.

Guest Says:
Also, yeah on the second stuff, good move, don't ever "update" any personal information of any kind because of an email you received.  You can always just go to a bookmark link (or call the company) to see if your information needs updating, no reputable company will ever email you and tell you that you must update something via email link like credit card info, bank info, etc.  Too many fall for that.

Guest Says:
Anytime you get any email notice that you feel unsure about related to fraud on your account, simply call your credit card company, etc.  Dont go by any number or link in the email, look the number up separately and call them or get the number off the back of your credit card.

I have only gotten 1 "legitimate" email related for fraud on my account and it was actually real and their security system recognized the unusual card activity and wanted to confirm with me, but they also left me a voicemail and both voicemail and email said to contact them (not click links or do that type of nonsense)

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